Research and Publication EthicsKorean PDF file
Ethical Principles of the Korean Society of Speech Sciences for Research
Adopted on January 14, 2009
The Korean Society of Speech Sciences is an academic society dedicated to promoting development and improvement in phonetics areas and to fostering close relationships among members. The Ethical Principles of the Korean Society of Speech Sciences for Research shall provide the ethical principles and criteria that the members should observe in the process of achieving the society’s goals.
The members of the society should recognize such essential elements as honesty, truth, and accuracy in order to secure reliable research results in research activities related to the development of phonetics and relevant areas and should observe the following fundamental principles in the process of research suggestions, plans, performance and reporting of results.
The society shall establish the Academic Research Ethics Committee to provide the overall principles and standards that the members should observe in the process of conducting research and to review the members’ observance of the principles and integrity obligations. All the members should observe the Ethical Principles faithfully and contribute truly to academic development as professional researchers in the process of conducting academic research and reporting research work.
Chapter 1. Ethical Principles for Research
Article 1. (Ethical Principles for Researchers)
① All the members of the society shall pursue honesty, truth, and accuracy in all research activities and shall reject such dishonest acts as fabrication, alteration, and plagiarism.
② All the members of the society shall obtain permission from the participants who provide phonetic materials for research and distribution and shall protect all participants’ personal information collected in the process of research.
Article 2. (Ethical Principles for Authors)
① No plagiarismAuthors shall not present others’ research and claim it as their own. Authors shall cite the source of others’ research results properly.
② No nominal authorsAuthors shall have their rights on research that they actually conducted or contributed to, and only those achievements shall be recognized. No authors shall be included in the work that they did not conduct or to which they did not contribute.
③ No multiple submissions or multiple publicationsAuthors shall not submit or publish a manuscript without citing any previous articles that have already been published in domestic or international journals. Authors shall not submit the same (or rated the same by experts) manuscript submitted to the society to other journals nor shall put the manuscript under review elsewhere.
④ Acceptance of partially overlapping findings When the newly submitted work has partially overlapping findings with a manuscript that has already been published, the authors shall cite the previous article, and the new work shall contain substantially new findings compared to the previous article. In that case, the authors should submit the published article to the Editor-in-Chief. The authors may cite the proceedings of conferences and expand the work to publish in the Journal. Based on the provisions above, the Editor-in-Chief and two Associate Editors-in-Chief shall decide to allow partially overlapping findings in the final publication. When the decision is considered controversial, an additional committee of Research Ethics shall be organized to consider the case.
Article 3. (Ethical Principles for the Editorial Board Members)
① The Editorial Board members shall handle the overall process of manuscript review and acceptance of publication according to strict standards and procedures.
② The Editorial Board members shall proceed fairly with the review according to the manuscript review regulations regardless of the gender, age, or affiliation of the author or other personal relationships with the author.
③ The Editorial Board members shall choose and elect three reviewers appropriate to the given area considering their academic activities and professionalism. When there are not any appropriate reviewers in the area, the Editorial Board members may elect other professionals.
④ The Editorial Board members shall not disclose externally the identity of the author or the contents of a manuscript until a final decision has been made.
Article 4. (Ethical Principles for Reviewers)
① Reviewers shall evaluate manuscripts fairly according to objective standards, regardless of their own academic beliefs or personal relationships with the author. Reviewers shall not reject manuscripts without sufficient explanation or because the contents of the manuscript are against personal viewpoints or interpretations.
② Reviewers shall respect each author’s integrity and scholastic independence and shall not use any derogative or offensive expressions toward the author.
③ Reviewers shall not disclose the identity of an author or the content of a submitted manuscript until the manuscript is accepted and published in the journal. Reviewers shall not cite any part of the manuscript without the author’s agreement before its publication. Reviewers shall not disclose information on rejected manuscripts, and the reason and grounds of their evaluation should be delivered clearly to the author.
Chapter 2. Practice Guidelines of Ethical Principles for Research
Article 5. (Pledge of Ethical Principles for Research)
All the members of the Korean Society of Speech Sciences should pledge to observe the Ethical Principles for Research. New members should do so, while old members are considered to have done so without any extra formal pledges when the Ethical Principles for Research are put in force.
Article 6. (Organization and Terms of the Research Ethics Committee)
Members of the Research Ethics Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Ethics Committee) shall be nominated by the President among the members of the society and approved by the Executive Council. The Committee shall be composed of five members, each with a two-year term. When a member of the Ethics Committee loses qualification because the person is under ethical review, a new member shall be recruited according to the general procedures of the society.
Article 7. (Members and Duties of the Ethics Committee)
① The Ethics Committee shall be composed of one Chairperson and one Manager.
② The Chairperson shall be elected from the Ethics Committee, while the Manager shall be chosen by the Chairperson.
③ The Chairperson shall lead the Ethics Committee, while the Manager shall handle meeting affairs.
Article 8. (Function of the Ethics Committee)
The Ethics Committee shall manage various affairs related to the Principles of Research Ethics of the society members and deliberate and decide on cases of members’ violations of those principles.
Article 9. (Meetings of the Ethics Committee)
① Meetings of the Ethics Committee shall be convened by the Chairperson, who will chair the meeting.
② The Chairperson shall call for a meeting when the President of the society or more than three members of the Ethics Committee demand a meeting or when there is a deliberation request from the Executive Council.
③ The meeting shall be held with the presence of more than half of the enrolled members of the Ethics Committee. Resolutions shall be resolved if they are approved by a majority of those present in a meeting.
④ The meeting information and minutes of the Ethics Committee shall not be disclosed.
Article 10. (Deliberation Request)
① Members of the society and parties concerned with ethical issues may request deliberation through a written document over whether acts of writing by certain members violate the Ethics principles of the society.
② The Chairperson shall report the case to the President of the society immediately after receiving the document above and shall call for a meeting of the Ethics Committee.
Article 11. (Deliberation Procedures of the Ethics Committee)
① The Ethics Committee may discuss the procedures before an official deliberation, including whether the submitted case should be deliberated by only the internal members or by additional external deliberation members.
② The Ethics Committee shall decide the violation of the Ethical Principles after sufficient deliberation of the research findings of the member concerned. For this purpose, the Ethics Committee may interview the member concerned, the person who requested the deliberation, and the manuscript reviewers concerned. When the member concerned declines an interview, the member shall be considered to be in violation of the Ethical Principles.
③ The Ethics Committee should give full opportunity for vindication to the member concerned.
④ The Ethics Committee members should not disclose the identity of the member concerned or the progress of meetings externally until a final resolution is reached.
⑤ The Ethics Committee shall keep a written document detailing all the processes of the deliberation. The final resolution shall be kept with signatures of all the deliberating members.
Article 12. (Report of Deliberation Results)
The Ethics Committee should report deliberation results to the President immediately. The report should include the following items in detail:
① Contents of the violation of the Ethical Principles
② Deliberation Procedures
③ Justifications and related evidence for deliberation decision ④ Vindication procedures of the member concerned
Article 13. (Disciplinary Procedures and Measures)
In case of any disciplinary measures requested by the Ethics Committee, the President should call for a meeting of the Executive Council and shall provide a final decision on disciplinary actions and measures:
① Plagiarism or multiple publications, multiple submissionsThe Ethics Committee shall take one of the following measures after confirming this violation through deliberation:
- a. Deletion of the article from the list of the journal issue
- b. No manuscript submission of the contributor for three years thereafter
- c. Notification of the violation on the homepage of the society
- d. Membership suspension or revocation in case of three or more continuous violations or any serious violation
② Violations of the Ethical Principles by researchers, editors, and reviewers The Committee shall take one of the following measures, depending on the seriousness of the violation after deliberation:
- a. Warning
- b. Membership suspension or revocation in case of three or more continuous violations, or any serious violation
Article 14. (Follow-up Measures)
The Ethics Committee shall take one of the following measures after considering the deliberation reports:
① The President shall execute the resolutions of the Ethics Committee.
② When the Executive Council judges that the deliberation results lack rationality or validity, the Executive Council may demand a second deliberation or supplementation of the report document. The demands of the Executive Council should be filed in specific and detailed documents.
Article 15. (Administrative Procedures)
① The Ethics Committee shall decide and handle additional cases that are not in the Ethical Principles.
② The Manager of the Committee shall report to the Executive Council with a written document of the meeting details.
③ The society shall provide sufficient financial support for the smooth operation of the Ethics Committee.
Article 16. (Amendments of the Ethical Principles)
The amendment procedure shall follow that of the society constitution. When the Ethical Principles are amended, the members who have already pledged to observe the previous version of the Ethical Principles are considered to have done so without any additional pledges.
Article 17. (Agreement Document of Observance of the Ethical Principles)
Contributors of submitted manuscripts should fill out an agreement document (Form-2) and email or fax it to the society office.
Supplementary Provisions
The Ethical Principles shall be effective as of January 14, 2009.