Most Cited Articles

Acoustic analysis of fricatives in dysarthric speakers with cerebral palsy
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2019;11(3):23-29.
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Korean first graders’ word decoding skills, phonological awareness, rapid automatized naming, and letter knowledge with/without developmental dyslexia
초등 1학년 발달성 난독 아동의 낱말 해독, 음운인식, 빠른 이름대기, 자소 지식
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(2):51-60.
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Articulatory characteristics and variation of Korean laterals
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2019;11(1):19-27.
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Multi-resolution DenseNet based acoustic models for reverberant speech recognition
잔향 환경 음성인식을 위한 다중 해상도 DenseNet 기반 음향 모델
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(1):33-38.
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Acoustic analysis of English lexical stress produced by Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese-Chinese speakers
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(1):15-22.
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Development and validation of Speech Range Profile task
발화범위 프로파일 과제 개발 및 타당성 검증
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2019;11(3):77-87.
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The implementation of children’s automated formant setting by Praat scripting
Praat을 이용한 아동 포먼트 자동 세팅 스크립트 구현
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):1-10.
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A realization of pauses in utterance across speech style, gender, and generation
과제, 성별, 세대에 따른 휴지의 실현 양상 연구
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2019;11(2):33-44.
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Voice quality of normal elderly people after a 3oz water-swallow test: An acoustic analysis
3온스 물 삼킴검사 이후 정상 노년층의 음질 변화: 음향학적 분석
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(2):69-76.
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Acoustic correlates of L2 English stress ― Comparison of Japanese English and Korean English
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(1):9-14.
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Pitch trajectories of English vowels produced by American men, women, and children
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):31-37.
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Acoustic characteristics of the sustained vowel phonation according to age groups
모음 연장 발성이 보이는 연령대별 음향음성학적 특성 연구
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):67-76.
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Acoustic-phonetic characteristics of fricatives distortion in functional articulation disorders
기능적 조음음운장애아동의 치조 마찰음 왜곡의 음향음성학적 특성
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):127-134.
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Efficacy of intensive treatment of dysarthria for people with multiple system atrophy
다계통위축증 환자를 대상으로 한 마비말장애 집중 치료의 효과
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):163-171.
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A comparison of normalized formant trajectories of English vowels produced by American men and women
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2019;11(1):1-8.
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Development of smartphone-based voice therapy program
스마트폰기반 음성치료 프로그램 개발연구
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2019;11(1):51-61.
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Post-focus compression is not automatically transferred from Korean to L2 English
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2019;11(2):15-21.
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Prediction of speaking fundamental frequency using the voice and speech range profiles in normal adults
정상 성인에서 음성 및 말소리 범위 프로파일을 이용한 발화 기본주파수 예측
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2019;11(3):49-55.
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Individual differences in categorical perception: L1 English learners’ L2 perception of Korean stops
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2019;11(4):63-70.
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The realization of English rhythm by Busan Korean speakers
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2019;11(4):81-87.
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