List of Articles

Phonetics and Speech Sciences. Vol. 16, No. 2, 2024

A statistical analysis of wh-scope responses to embedded wh-phrases in Gyeongsang Korean
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2024;16(2):1-9.
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Vowel epenthesis and stress-focus interaction in L2 speech perception
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2024;16(2):11-17.
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Speech Disorders/말장애
Comparison of acoustic features due to the Lombard effect in typically developing children and adults
롬바르드 효과가 아동과 성인의 말소리 산출에 미치는 영향: 음향학적 특성과 모음공간면적을 중심으로
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2024;16(2):19-27.
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Pilot study for the development of Korean and English speech processing task system
한국어-영어 말처리 평가시스템 개발을 위한 기초 연구
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2024;16(2):29-36.
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Voice range differences in vowels by voice classification among male students of popular music vocals
대중가요 보컬 전공 남학생의 성종에 따른 모음 간 음역 차이
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2024;16(2):37-47.
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A comparison of acoustic measures among the microphone types for smartphone recordings in normal adults
정상 성인에서 스마트폰 녹음을 위한 마이크 유형 간 음향학적 측정치 비교
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2024;16(2):49-58.
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Comparison on knowledge and practice of vocal hygiene among students majoring in classical and popular music vocals
성악전공 대학생과 실용음악전공 대학생의 음성위생 지식과 수행 비교
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2024;16(2):59-69.
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직업군인의 말더듬에 대한 인식 연구: Public Opinion Survey of Human Attributes-Stuttering(POSHA-S)를 이용하여
Perceptions of military personnel towards stuttering and persons who stutter: Using the Public Opinion Survey of Human Attributes-Stuttering (POSHA-S)
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2024;16(2):71-81.
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Phonological retrieval and phonological memory skills in children with dyslexia and poor comprehension
난독증 아동과 읽기이해부진 아동의 음운인출과 음운기억 능력
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2024;16(2):83-90.
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음성 떨림 측정을 위한 AVTI(Acoustic Voice Tremor index)의 개발과 검증
Acoustic Voice Tremor index in the measurement of voice tremor: Development and validation
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2024;16(2):91-97.
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A comparative study of coarticulation features between children with and without reading disability
읽기장애아동과 일반아동의 동시조음 특성 비교
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2024;16(2):99-109.
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